Waving delivery fee for standing orders!
As a local florist we would like to offer you an opportunity to buy standard orders from us for your office / shop / house - whatever it may be! The sky is the limit when it comes to flowers!
Starting as little as $25.00 per arrangement we will void the delivery fees for any weekly, bi-monthly, monthly orders for other members of the Chamber. Sharing is caring!
Let us make your space pretty with our flowers of the best quality, made with love by our designers. We have 39+ years of experience in delivering arrangements for any occasion. If you want to brighten up your office, day, home look no further! We are here for you, ready to make you feel special with our flowers.
By choosing us you support a local business so thank you for your consideration for ordering from us.
Starting as little as $25.00 per arrangement we will void the delivery fees for any weekly, bi-monthly, monthly orders for other members of the Chamber. Sharing is caring!
Let us make your space pretty with our flowers of the best quality, made with love by our designers. We have 39+ years of experience in delivering arrangements for any occasion. If you want to brighten up your office, day, home look no further! We are here for you, ready to make you feel special with our flowers.
By choosing us you support a local business so thank you for your consideration for ordering from us.
This Member To Member Deal is promoted by The Poway Chamber of Commerce.