Consulting ServicesNon-Profit ExpertiseProfessional Membership/NetworkingTrainingVeteran Owned
About Us
After graduation from the U.S. Naval Academy, I served as an active duty naval officer and helicopter pilot, retiring as a Captain, USN. I earned a Ph.D. in the School of Leadership & Education Sciences at the University of San Diego.I served 11 years as a Senior executive at Vistage Worldwide before becoming a Chair, Previously, I served as a board member for the Autism Society of San Diego.
My other passion is ice hockey. I am a USA Hockey certified ice hockey coach, an active adult player and currently serving as the Head Coach for the Varsity CIF inline hockey team at Cathedral Catholic High School.
As a Vistage Chair, I am the facilitator / coach for a group of high integrity business owners, CEOs, presidents and leaders who meet monthly to help each other with their business issues and opportunities.